Established in 1984 and incorporated since 1989, the Association built the Hills Basketball Stadium in 1995 and quickly grew to become one of the largest and most professional basketball associations within New South Wales. Hills Basketball Association is affiliated with NSW Basketball and Basketball Australia.

  • Not-for-profit sporting organisation established in 1984.

  • Incorporated in 1989. 

  • Transitioned to a company limited by guarantee in 2024. 

  • Built the Hills Basketball Stadium (4-court facility) in 1995. Extended facility to a 6-court venue in 2017.

  • Hold the lease for Dural Recreation Centre. 

  • Hold the lease for Bernie Mullane Sports Complex (indoor stadium & outdoor netball courts). 

  • Over 850 teams compete in Hills Basketball Association local basketball competitions.

  • Over 380 local competition games are conducted each week.

  • Over 5,500 players participate in local competition games, run seven days per week.

  • There are currently in excess of 380 qualified Referees officiating these games.

  • More than 1,500 children are involved in the Hornets Academy (skills sessions) each week, making it one of the largest development programs in Australia.

  • Over 10,000 people in attendance at Hills Basketball Association managed venues each week.

  • Hills Basketball Association currently has 24 junior, 7 senior and 1 wheelchair representative team.

Click here to view 2024 Annual General Meeting details.

Hills Basketball Association conducts its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in April each year. Voting Members are eligible to attend the AGM and are responsible for the election of Hills Basketball Association Board positions. To ensure continuity, HBA Board positions are held for two years, however different roles are up for election each year. Year 1, three director positions | Year 2, four director positions.

Hills Basketball Association Life Members have been integral in the growth and development of our Association. So many volunteers and staff play a vital role in forming this community but the following members have shown a commitment to our organisation worthy of Life Membership.

Tony Wagstaff (1996), Janet Blanch (1998), Richard Slowgrove (2007), Evan Bennett (2008), Richard Howard (2015), Steven Nicholls (2015),  Jann Partyka (2015), Mitzi Crawford (2016), Trish Nicholls (2016), Kathleen Parker (2016), Michelle Mahony (2017), Pat Mahony (2017), Jim Roditis (2017), Russell Graham (2018), Paul Nelson (2018), Emils Duselis (2018), Lauretta Claus (2019), Janice Roditis (2019), Angus Wildblood (2019), Mike Brotherson (2020), Ros Graham (2020), Joanne Taylor (2020), Mike Eastaway (2022), Brent Walkerden (2022), Allen Dean (2024), Ron Josephs (2024), Julianne Vella (2024)


Voting Members are required to renew their membership each year, with an annual fee of $25 per year. Benefits of membership include:

  • voting rights at Annual General Meeting
  • voting rights at Special General Meetings
  • the right to nominate for the Board (rules apply)

New applications to become a Voting Member need to be approved by the Board. This process may take up to 7 days.

Becoming a Life Member of the Hills Basketball Association involves:

  1. The Board may recommend to the annual general meeting that any natural person who has rendered distinguished service to the Association be appointed as a Life Member.
  2. For the purposes of ‘rendered distinguished service’ shall be restricted to those who have contributed to the control, promotion, integration, or fostering of participation and development of basketball by their participation in the Association for a period of ten (10) years and who have set an exemplary standard of behaviour on and off the court and are nominated by a member to the Board for election at an annual general meeting of the Association
  3. Names of nominees for Life Membership shall be submitted to the Secretary at least thirty five (35) days prior to the annual general meeting at which such nominees are proposed for election for life members
  4. A resolution of the annual general meeting to confer Life Membership [subject to clause 2A. (4)] on the recommendation of the Board must be a Special Resolution and must be passed by at least three fourths of those members attending and eligible to vote
  5. Not more than three (3) Life Members shall be elected at any one annual general meeting.
  6. A person must accept or reject the Association’s resolution to confer Life Membership in writing. Upon written acceptance, the person’s details shall be entered upon the Register, and from the time of entry on the Register the person shall be a Life Member.

Contact Steve Burke on 9894-8944

Email steve@hillshornets.com.au


Russell Graham
Russell GrahamPresident
Olivia Nicholls
Olivia NichollsVice President
Company Secretary
Steve Burke
Steve BurkeCEO
Mitzi Crawford
Mitzi CrawfordMember
Robert Davidson
Robert DavidsonMember
Tracey HudsonMember
Michael Paino
Michael PainoMember

Contact Steve Burke on 9894-8944

Email steve@hillshornets.com.au