The Representative Program at Hills Basketball Association (HBA) is an essential part of development and growth of the sport in our community. As a community organisation, we have aims beyond that of a win/loss record, measuring success by the development of fundamental skills, players understanding of the game and inclusion. There is an expectation that whilst involved in the Hills Hornets Representative Program, every coach, player, parent, committee member and official understands and abides by the policies and guidelines in the Hornets Representative Handbook, along with HBA and BNSW Policies and By-Laws.

Where a specific situation is not covered by these guidelines, the Representative Manager will consider the matter in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) & if necessary, the HBA Board and make a ruling on a case-by-case basis as required. HBA reserves the right to uphold, alter or make any decision, in the running of the representative program if it is considered to be in the best interests of HBA. All sections below are part of the Hornets Representative Handbook and must be read and acknowledged by players, parents, coaches, team managers and any other party that has an interest in the program before accepting any role.


If each player and coach in our program improves, we have been successful. Success and achievement are a result of developing the individual. Developing the team requires dedication, commitment, and hard work.

As an association we aim: 

  1. To provide all players with the opportunity to represent Hills Basketball at the highest level.
  2. To establish our commitment towards becoming the strongest and most fundamentally sound representative program in Australia.
  3. To provide all players with the opportunity to develop their skills in a safe, friendly, productive and enjoyable learning environment.
  4. To develop a solid foundation of individual skills for the future development of Basketball in the region.
  5. To encourage our members to compete in the spirit of good sportsmanship & to treat ALL participants with respect.
  6. To develop our members as good citizens as well as good basketball players, coaches & officials.
  7. To provide all players with a high standard of coaching and instruction.
  8. To provide all players with high quality and well-structured training sessions.
  9. To provide all coaches with guidance and opportunities to improve their skills.
  10. To develop WNBL, NBL and Australian players.

By all means, teach players to compete hard and to compete to win, but don’t have winning as the only measure of success.

It is not in the best interest of the players’ development to have a program where the sole focus is ‘winning’. Enabling players to develop areas that they can control and influence is key to their development as an athlete and as a person. A well rounded and prepared athlete will continue to develop their skills across the basketball spectrum. Basketball fundamentals and strategy will be underpinned by physical and psychological skills which will be delivered through a process oriented program. While teams representing HBA in the highest divisions will strive for success, it is expected that player development continues to be first and foremost in the plans of all head coaches. While court time is not expected to be even it is important for athlete development that they do receive court time to allow them to progress.

Player and parent education and communication are key strategies for a successful representative program. Coaches are encouraged to share goals, plans, performance standards and rewards with parents and players.


In general, Hills Basketball Association will enter three teams of each gender in each age group (U/12, U/14, U/16, & U/18). However, entries will depend on several factors including player availability, talent pool, coaching resources & training venue availability. In the case where there is sufficient quality of players, coaches & training venues HBA will select 3 teams in an age group. Preference will be given to U12 and U14 age groups to ensure more athletes have the opportunity to develop.


  • To give each player ample opportunity to enjoy basketball and develop their team and individual skills.
  • Coaches should aim to play each individual at least 25% of the game to allow for development opportunities. Please note that the sport is not an exact science, and court time is ultimately at the discretion of the coach. We believe players only fully develop through game experience; the expectation is that coaches will find meaningful minutes for all players throughout the season. In Finals series games, court time is never guaranteed.
  • Reach age group curriculum benchmarks.


  • U12 – all players must play in every game for which they are suited up, unless they are ill, injured or for disciplinary reasons. Players must play in each half of the game to comply with BNSW Competition By-Laws.
  • U14 Premier  – to prepare and qualify for the National Club Championship.
  • U16-U18 – to prepare players for state team selections. All Premier players are expected to trial for state team.
  • U18 Premier – to prepare and qualify for the National Club Championships.


  • Strive to win where possible, develop when appropriate.
  • Playing time is not guaranteed during any game. Court time is allocated at the coach’s discretion and players can gain additional minutes by following set rules of attendance, punctuality, and behavior or by demonstrating improved ability.


There is an expectation that by agreeing to be involved in the Hills Hornets Representative Program you agree to our Terms and that you have read the Basketball Network Terms & Conditions, Basketball Australian National Integrity Framework, BNSW Representative Competition By-Laws and Agreement and Hills Basketball Association policies & procedures. All documents available at https://hillshornets.com.au/about/policy-procedures/


Commitment – Being a part of a team demands that you can carry out your commitment to others. This will mean that you will need to give up some personal wishes & make sacrifices for the group.

Perseverance – When things aren’t going your way you must never give up when you are part of a team. Your team will need your total effort even when it is not your day.

Teamwork – It is crucial that in sport & life you are able to work in a team situation. Sometimes this means learning your role & doing what is best for everyone & not just yourself.

Learning to Compete – This does not mean to win at all costs but rather to compete to the best of your ability at all times. Competition is present in all aspects of life & it teaches us to value our victories & to be gracious in our defeats.

Respecting Others – In life we must learn to respect everybody regardless of their roles & differences. In basketball we expect respect to be given to opponents, teammates, coaches, referees, spectators & administrators.

Player Disciplinary Action

Technical FoulOn receiving a technical foul, the player will be subbed off the court. The coach will decide whether this player will take any further part in this game depending on the severity of the incident. All incidents will be reported to the HBA Representative Manager.

Poor Sportsmanship The coach has the option to sub the player off the court. If there is a second offence, they will be left off for the rest of the game. Any further incidents will be reported to the HBA Representative Manager.

TrainingNon-attendance or lateness to training without communication directly to the coach may result in a coach’s decision to limit playing time in subsequent games. Ongoing nonattendance or lateness to training will be reported to the HBA Representative Manager.

Off the Court Incidents If a player is found to be behaving in a manner that will negatively affect the reputation of the Hills Basketball Representative Program their coach will be informed. This may result in a coach’s decision to limit playing time on subsequent games. Any further incidents will be reported to the HBA Representative Manager.

Player Communication It is important that you communicate with others. If you have issues (negative or positive) with a teammate, then approach your coach or manager.

  • You will not argue with referees during a game. If you have any problems tell your coach so that they may approach the referees if necessary. 
  • You will support your teammates at all times both on the court & on the bench. Negativity toward team members will not be tolerated.

Player Attendance A Player must attend preseason, regular season and final series games. They are also required to participate in tournaments/carnivals that Hills Hornets attends.

There is an expectation that by agreeing to be involved in the Hills Hornets Representative Program you agree to our Terms and that you have read the Basketball Network Terms & Conditions, Basketball Australian National Integrity Framework, BNSW Representative Competition By-Laws and Agreement and Hills Basketball Association policies & procedures. All documents available at https://hillshornets.com.au/about/policy-procedures/

HBA recognises the time & effort contributed by our volunteers. Our volunteers are the foundation of our program. HBA calls for open & transparent processes & for loyalty to & support for our program & those who make it happen. It is generally not appropriate for members of our program to be involved with another Association’s representative program however the Representative Manager may consider such involvement on a case-by-case basis.

HBA recognises the difficulty in meeting the expectations of all participants in the program & that much of this responsibility falls to our volunteer coaches. In the event of an issue arising, players or parents should in the first instance discuss the matter with team management. The approach HBA will adopt to any issue which might arise will be to support & assist participants in our program by way of mentoring advice, additional training & other similar approaches with the intention of finding ways to improve our program.


  • HBA will make available training in child protection issue management.
  • HBA will endeavor to make available such assistance as it can in the development of coaches through training programs & support from the Mentor Coaches.
  • HBA provides insurance for its appointees.
  • HBA will waive representative fees to any senior player who acts as a Head Coach within the junior representative program.
  • HBA will reduce representative fees to any senior player who acts as an assistant coach within the junior representative program.
  • HBA will provide an honorarium to all Junior and Senior Head Coaches at the conclusion of the season.
  • HBA will provide an honorarium to Junior Head Coaches who participate in June long weekend tournaments.
  • HBA will provide a Hills Hornets Officials polo shirt to Head Coach, Assistant Coach and Manager at the beginning of the season.
  • HBA will provide a Hills Hornets Representative Jacket to any newly appointed team official at the beginning of the season.

Professional Conduct

All coaches should be aware of the Coaches Code of Ethics that has been adopted & endorsed by the Australian Sports Commission. In addition to the Coaches Code of Ethics, HBA has opted to emphasise a number of other points of note in the interests of striving for professionalism in our Representative Program.

Communication – email & telephone

  • All coaches & managers will be supplied with team contact details collated from trials. Details include, phone numbers, email addresses for both player & parent/guardian.
  • From time to time, the need to communicate with players’ outside of training & games will arise & to ensure transparency with all involved in the program, coaches & managers MUST cc parents in all email correspondence. This will alleviate breakdowns in communication. Contact by mobile phone is up to team management discretion as determined by necessity. However, contact with minors should be avoided.

Social Media (additional to HBA Social Media Policy)

  • Coaches & other team officials are not friends & or followers with junior players on social media sites. Should a participant request an exemption to this policy it must be in writing from a parent/carer & be approved by the Representative Manager. Where a team official is a parent/carer of a child in the program they will be deemed exempt for their child.


  • This is covered in the Coaches Code of Ethics but specifically, coaches must refrain from swearing & the use of inappropriate or suggestive language. The Association has adopted a vigilant stance on this issue due to the fact that team management is in charge of the care of minors & young impressionable players. Any form of foul or derogatory language will not be tolerated. It has no place in training, games, social activities organised by individual teams & even in an environment where team management may find themselves in the presence of junior players outside of team commitments. E.g. Elite camps, watching other basketball games in the stadium.
  • All involved will need to be acutely aware of their environment & the appropriate behaviour warranted by virtue of their position of seniority.


Manager to ensure all junior players are collected by their parent (or appointed carer) from each training session. At no point should a player be left at a training/playing venue without adult supervision. Written permission must be provided by a minor(s) parent/guardian for a coach or manager to provide transport to &/or from training or game.


Manager to ensure they (or a suitable adult) are present at each training session. It is essential that at least two adults are present. Should a player require immediate medical attention, the Manager (or suitable adult) may be required to escort the player to an appropriate medical centre.

Under no circumstance is a minor to be left at a training venue, team function or playing venue without adult supervision. The Manager is required to supervise or arrange suitable supervision until minor can be collected.

Professional Attire

HBA desires to project an image of professionalism & excellence. All team management (Coach, Assistant Coach & Manager) are required to wear the following attire at all scheduled representative games:

  • HBA Polo top (supplied by HBA).
  • Enclosed footwear i.e. no thongs, slip ons are acceptable for female coaches.
  • Black – pants, shorts, or skirt.
  • Head Coaches are asked to wear the Hills Hornets Representative Jacket in colder weather.
  • No hats.

While the association is mindful of personal tastes & identity in relation to personal grooming, team management are asked to consider their image portrayal with the club in mind on matters relating to personal presentation.

Please support the whole team during games & trainings, not just your son or daughter. The coach is to be the only source of technical feedback to the players. Coaching from the sidelines is never appropriate regardless of your knowledge of the game. This practice confuses players.

Parents / Carers also need to be careful about discussing team issues in front of their children. If you speak negatively about a coach, player or referee, your child may adopt the same negative attitude. We are looking for positive players & positive support from parents.

We do encourage you to be vocal in your support for our teams. However, do not make negative comments to the opposition, the referees or other team members; as stated earlier in this document, all these parties are worthy of respect. Parents / Carers must understand that all of our coaches are volunteers.

Parents / Carers must also understand that coaches are given the task of making objective decisions in regard to your son or daughter with respect to what is best for the team & club. We do understand that there will be some contentious decisions. Effective communication between yourself & the coach is the key to addressing any issues you may have with the coach’s decision. If you have positive feedback this may be brought up at any time. However, if you have issues that need resolving then please follow the appropriate process (refer to Complaint Procedure).


Click here to read the Representative Coach Selection Policy.

Click here to read the Representative Player Selection Policy.

Currently under review.

Currently under review.

Currently under review.


Please follow this procedure:

  1. Wait 24 hours before talking, calling or facebook messaging the coach or manager. Most problems will seem lesser after some time to think through the issues first.
  2. Do not approach a Coach or Manager in front of other players, parents/carers or supporters, please request a meeting at a suitable time to discuss issue with both Coach and Team Manager.
  3. If a parent/carer, please ensure you do not discuss complaints or issues in front of your child(ren).
  4. If a solution can not be reached at the meeting, then the matter should be referred to the HBA Representative Manager. 

Please follow the above process. It will ensure that everyone communicates with each other honestly & openly. HBA are unlikely to look favorably on your situation if you have not attempted to follow the correct procedure.

If a complaint is of a more serious nature, it should always be directed to the Representative Manager.

  • Issues directed to the Representative Manager may then be referred to the CEO, or further to the Board.
  • All complaints must be in writing and include the name of the author.
  • HBA would prefer to hear about issues as they arise, and therefore encourage constant communication and constructive criticism from patrons.
  • The Representative Manager will express complaints to our governing body should they be required. Parents, carer, players, or officials are not to contact Basketball NSW or Basketball Australia directly.
  • Member Protection and/or Child Protection issues should be directed to HBA Chief Executive Officer. All matters are confidential.
  • All junior representative players are required to play in the HBA Winter Local Competition (each year of Representing the Association). Players will be deemed to have taken part in Local Competition by participating in 50% of games. If there is a legitimate reason a player cannot fulfill this commitment, they will need to apply in writing to the Representative Manager for an exemption. Penalties for non-compliance may include a fine of $250 & or Player suspension.
  • Rep Rookies are not classed as a Representative Player.
  • Rep Development payers are not classed as a Representative Player.
  • As a competitive representative program is only built from a healthy local competition, players are contributing to the development of the association with their involvement. With the above in mind, Local Competition By-laws state that Junior teams will be restricted to a maximum of 3 Rep players, to prevent the dominance of a single team and obstruction of individual improvement.
  • Senior players are not required to participate in Local Competition, however when they do participate, they must compete in the highest grade.

Transfer guidelines and requirements –

  • Premier Division, Division 1 and 2 – allowed one transfer per team.
  • Players who were not named in any team and did not play in Pre-Season or the regular Season in the previous season will be classified as a “free” transfer if playing in Division 1 or below. They will still require a clearance to be processed.
  • Where a player has moved into the Hills Shire, special conditions may apply.
  • Junior age groups with 2 teams must have a minimum of 8 bottom age players. The Representative Manager & Representative Development Manager will assess any exceptions on a case-by-case basis.
  • Junior age groups with 3 teams must have a minimum of 12 bottom age players. The Representative Manager & Representative Development Manager will assess any exceptions on a case-by-case basis.

Junior Waratah League:

  • All HBA junior representative teams consist of ten (10) rostered players.
  • All junior teams may select up to two (2) development players.

Senior Waratah League & NBL1:

  • All HBA NBL1 teams may select up to twenty (20) rostered players. Teams may field up to twelve (12) players per game.
    • NBL1 teams may name athletes from Waratah senior teams on the roster as per Basketball NSW By-laws.
    • If a player from a Waratah team is called up to NBL1 during the season, the NBL1 Head Coach is required to discuss the request with the appropriate Head Coach prior to offering the opportunity to the player.
  • All HBA Waratah Senior and Wheelchair teams may select up to twelve (12) rostered players.
  • All HBA Waratah Senior and Wheelchair teams may select up to four (4) development players.

HBA Junior League coaches must not actively recruit players from other associations or entice selected representative players to change local competition teams.

All HBA Representative coaches reserve the right to promote the HBA representative program and representative trial information.

Please note. Should any junior HBA representative player be approached by another association, please report the matter directly to the HBA Representative Manager.

Please note. Should you become aware of any HBA junior representative coach actively recruiting and approaching players from other associations about joining HBA, please report the matter directly to HBA Representative Manager.


Representative fees do not cover all costs associated with the Representative season. Hills Basketball Association heavily subsidies the program to ensure fees are kept to an affordable level. Please note Representative fees do not cover uniforms other than the playing top which is provided or Player Registration Fees. Fees should be paid through the players online dashboard. 

2025 Representative Fees:

  • Player Fee $900
  • Development Player Fee $700
  • Rookie Player Fee $700

Player Payment schedule:

  • 10/12/24 $200 (Acceptance fee, non-refundable)
  • 10/2/25 $350
  • 10/4/25 $350

Development Player/Rookie Player Payment schedule:

  • 10/12/24 $200 (Acceptance fee, non-refundable)
  • 10/2/25 $250
  • 10/4/25 $250

The assumption is that all fees will be paid by the allotted time. A ‘no pay – no play’ policy will apply. Should payment not be received by the specified date, HBA will remind the individual by emailing a statement to the nominated email address of the individual. If payment is not received within 14 days, the player shall be deemed ‘unfinancial’ & may be suspended from all local & representative fixtures.

Commitment by a player is for the ENTIRE season irrespective of later motivation. While fee reduction may be considered on a case-by-case basis in the event of serious injury, relocation, etc. full fees are assessed upon application.

  • All junior representative players are required to play in the HBA Winter Local Competition (each year of Representing the Association).
  • Players will be deemed to have taken part in Local Competition by participating in 50% of games.
  • If there is a legitimate reason a player cannot fulfill this commitment, they will need to apply in writing to the Representative Manager for an exemption.
  • Penalties for non-compliance may include a fine of $250 & or Player suspension.

A sibling discount is now available to families with 2 or more representative players. A reduction of $50 per person will be applied to the 2nd, 3rd or subsequent sibling. Those eligible must submit a written request to the HBA Representative Manager.

Player uniform | It is mandatory for all Players and Development Players to purchase Hornets shorts, Hornets Warm-up top (t-shirt &/or long-sleeve t-shirt), Hornets socks (black OR white) & Hornets reversible singlet (to be worn at all training sessions). All other uniform items are optional. Players entering any basketball stadium to represent the Club must be wearing the approved Hornets uniform.

All players must be registered with Hills Basketball Association. Players with other Association primary registration will be expected to affiliate with Hills & then transfer their primary registration to HBA once their existing registration has expired. It is the responsibility of the player &/or their parents/carer to ensure their registration is current. Registration/affiliation is not covered under representative fees & is an additional cost to participants. All registration & affiliations costs can be found at www.hillshornets.com.au

Requests for fee relief due to genuine financial hardship should be sent to the HBA Representative Manager by the participant (if under 18 years of age – the parent of the participant). Any requests for fee relief will be dealt with in confidence & on a case-by-case basis.


State or National Players | $300 Player Grant to offset travel/accommodation costs when selected in a BNSW State Team or BA National team. Grants will be paid directly to the individual. Those eligible must submit a written request to the HBA Representative Manager.

National Club Championships | $2500 Grant ($2000 Team Grant, $500 Head Coach Grant) provided to any Hills Hornets team successful in their entry into the National Club Championships. Those eligible must submit a written request to the HBA Representative Manager.

Melbourne Honorarium | $300 honorarium provided to all Hills Hornets Representative Head Coaches attending VJBL Classic or Nunawading Tournament to assist in travel & accommodation costs.

Coach Honorarium | A honorarium is provided to all Hills Hornets Representative Head Coaches at the end of the season as both a thank you and to assist with costs in attending games, training sessions and meetings throughout the year.

Additional education opportunities and merchandise will be provided throughout the year to assist in the development & professionalism of Hornets Coaches.

Senior Player and Junior Head Coach | Any Senior Player who also Head Coaches a junior Hills Hornets Representative team will have player fees waived.

Senior Player and Junior Assistant Coach  | Any Senior Player who also acts as an Assistant Coach of a junior Hills Hornets Representative team will receive a $200 discount on player fees.


Representative Department

E: reps@hillshornets.com.au

P: 02 9894-8944

Manager: Christie Graham

Administrator: Bronwyn Coxsedge

CEO | Steve Burke |

P: 02 9894-8944

E: steve@hillshornets.com.au