Click on YouTube link for a quick overview. 

DRSABCD action plan

In an emergency call triple zero (000) for an ambulance

D Danger

Ensure the area is safe for you, others and the patient.

R Response

Check for response: ask their name, squeeze their shoulders.

If there is a response:

  • make them comfortable
  • check for injuries
  • monitor their response.

If there is no response…

S Send for help

Call triple zero (000) for an ambulance or ask another person to make the call.

A Airway

Open patient’s mouth.

If foreign material is present:

  • place patient in recovery position
  • clear airway with fingers.

Open airway by tilting head with chin lift.

B Breathing

Check for breathing: look, listen and feel.

If the patient’s breathing is normal:

  • place patient in recovery position
  • monitor breathing
  • manage injuries
  • treat for shock.

If the patient’s breathing is not normal start CPR.


Start CPR: 30 chest compressions followed by 2 breaths.

Continue CPR until help arrives or patient recovers.

D Defibrillation

Apply defibrillator (if available) and follow voice prompts.

  1. Rest the injured part
  2. Ice packs to the injured part
  3. Use Compression bandages.
  4. Elevate the injured part.
  • Follow DRSABCD action plan.
  • Control any bleeding and cover any wounds.
  • Check for fractures – open, closed or complicated.
  • Ask patient to remain as still as possible.
  • Immobilise fracture: 
    • use broad bandages (where possible) to prevent movement at joints above and below the fracture
    • support the limb, carefully passing bandages under the natural hollows of the body
    • place a padded splint along the injured limb
    • place padding between the splint and the natural contours of the body and secure firmly
    • for leg fracture, immobilise foot and ankle
    • check that bandages are not too tight (or too loose) every 15 minutes.
  • Watch for signs of circulation loss to hands and feet
  • Ensure an ambulance has been called – triple zero (000).

Although a medical practitioner should formally diagnose a concussion, all sport stakeholders including players, parents, coaches & officials should be aware of, recognise and report any participant with visual signs of a head injury or who report concussion symptoms to them. Please be aware of any participant who collides with:

  • another player;
  • a piece of equipment; or
  • the ground.

Players who sustain an impact to the head, face, neck, or body may demonstrate visual signs of a concussion such as:

  • Lying motionless on the playing surface
  • Getting up slowly after a direct or indirect blow to the head
  • Being disoriented or unable to respond appropriately to questions
  • Having a blank or vacant stare
  • Having balance and coordination problems such as stumbling or slow laboured movements
  • Having a face or head injury

An athlete may also report symptoms of a concussion to a team mate, parent, official or coach. Symptoms that may suggest a concussion include:

  • Headache
  • Feeling “Pressure in the head”
  • Balance problems
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Sensitivity to noise
  • Fatigue or low energy
  • “Don’t feel right”
  • Feeling more emotional than usual
  • Being more irritable than usual
  • Sadness
  • Being nervous or anxious
  • Neck pain
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty remembering basic information
  • Feeling slow
  • Feeling like they are “in a fog”

If there is no medical practitioner at the venue, once a potential concussion has been recognised, the participant in question should be removed from play immediately and referred to a medical practitioner for an assessment. At this time, ensure the participant is closely monitored and escorted for the referral. No one, other than a medical practitioner, can decide that it is okay for someone with suspected concussion to resume participating on the same day. This includes the player themselves, parents of junior players, coaches or officials. Participants with a suspected concussion should:

  • Be immediately removed from participation
  • Not be left alone initially (at least for the first 1–2 hours)
  • Not drink alcohol
  • Not use recreational drugs
  • Not take certain prescription medications including aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, sedative medications or strong pain-relieving medications
  • Not be sent home by themselves.
  • Not drive a motor vehicle
  • Be referred for appropriate medical assessment


Poisons may be swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin.

    1. If unconscious keep someone with the afflicted person at all times.
    2. Start DRABC Action Plan.
    3. Do not induce vomiting.
    4. Stay with the person to assist them if their condition deteriorates.
    5. Call and ambulance or go to hospital immediately and take the poison container with you for identification.

Hospital and Medical Centre contact details:

NORWEST PRIVATE HOSPITAL | 11 Norbrik Drive, Bella Vista | Ph: 8882-8555

WESTMEAD HOSPITAL | Cnr Darcy & Hawkesbury Road, Westmead | Ph: 9845-5555

WESTMEAD CHILDRENS HOSPITAL | Corner Hawkesbury Road & Hainsworth Street, Westmead | Ph: 9845-000

BLACKTOWN HOSPITAL | Blacktown Road, Blacktown | Ph: 9881-8000

SYDNEY ADVENTIST HOSPITAL | 185 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga | Ph: 9487-9111

HORNSBY KU-RING-GAI HOSPITAL | Palmerston Rd, Hornsby | Ph: 9477-9123

SWIFT EMERGENCY & URGENT CARE | G38, 32, Civic Way, Rouse Hill | Ph 1300ESWIFT

THE HILLS MEDICAL & DENTAL CENTRE | 3 Colombia Court, Baulkham Hills | Ph: 8850-2400 | Mon-Thur 7am-10pm, Fri 7am-9pm, Sat/Sun 8am-10pm

CASTLE HILL MEDICAL CENTRE | Level 1, 4-16 Terminus St, Castle Hill | Ph: 9634 5000 | X-Ray facilities | Mon-Fri 7am-9pm, Sat 7am-6pm, Sun 8am-6pm

DURAL FAMILY MEDICAL PRACTICE | 286 New Line Road, Dural | Ph: 9651-2077  | X-Ray facilities Mon-Fri 8am-6pm,  Sat 8.30am-1pm

CASTLE MEDICAL CENTRE | 2/336 Old Northern Rd, Castle Hill | Ph: 8865 0650 | Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 9am-2pm

SWIFT EMERGENCY CARE | G38, 32, Civic Way, Rouse Hill | Ph: 1300 ESWIFT | Mon-Sun 10am-10pm

OUR MEDICAL | 1 President Road, Kellyville | 02 9189 7000 | Mon-Fri 7am-10pm, Sat-Sun 8am-10pm

First Aid is a PRIORITY. All Hills Basketball Association staff are to ensure that they are certified at all times with a First Aid qualification. 


  1. Always wear disposable gloves when treating any injury.
  2. Treat the injured person. Always, remain calm and if you require assistance or you are unsure about something, ask for help.
  3. Ask the Stadium Supervisor (or Reception) to call an ambulance by dialling 000. If able, the injured party should confirm they would like an ambulance phoned. The cost of an ambulance belongs to the customer.
  4. Fill in an ‘injury incident report’. Follow up if necessary.
  5. Referee/Umpire should record details of the injury including name and number of injured party on the reverse side of the scoresheet.
  6. Become familiar with the supplies available in the First Aid Kit. If supplies become low advise Stadium Supervisor, who will report to office. Reception will restock the following day.
  7. If first aid provided information must be recorded on the Injury Incident Report Form.

Follow Up Injured Person:

ALL VENUE Injury Incident Forms must be emailed to HBS Receptionist for follow-up.

Upon receipt of an Injury Incident Report Form, the HBS Receptionist will phone the injured person the following working day and;

  1. establish their current condition & wish them a speedy recovery
  2. inform them that the Insurance documentation will be emailed to the injured party within five (5) working days.
  3. provide relevant issues regarding injury insurance should be discussed and any relevant questions answered.
  4. ask the injured party to phone Reception should the insurance claim form not be received within 5 working days.