On 23 June the Hills basketball Association held its 30th Annual General Meeting. The meeting was held in person at HBS as well as via an online platform. The main business of the meeting was to accept the 2021 Annual Reports, to consider life membership for Mike Eastaway and Brent Walkerden and to elect 4 Committee positions.

The Reports were accepted and both President, Russell Graham and CEO, Steve Burke, spoke of the challenges of 2021 and how well HBA had met those challenges. Both also highlighted the contribution of our members, volunteers and staff in achieving this success and thanked everyone for their contribution.

Mike and Brent were approved unanimously as Life Members and you can read about their respective contributions to Hills Basketball here.

Prior to the Committee elections, Russell Graham informed the members that Damien Power had recently stepped down from the Committee and the casual vacancy was filled by long term active member, Robert Davidson. Russell also advised that Marinette Impreso had decided she would not stand for election at this meeting. Russell thanked both Marinette and Damien for their significant contribution over a number of years.

There was a single nomination for each position up for election and the results were declared as follow: President – Russell Graham; Secretary – Olivia Nicholls; Committee Member – Jaymes Murray; and Committee Member – Michael Paino. Russell thanked all the candidates and welcomed Michael and Robert as new members of the HBA Committee of Management.